Marina Hoermanseder is a renowned fragrance brand originating from Berlin, established in 2013 by the talented designer herself. Embracing a blend of traditional artistry and unique flair, the brand embodies an innovative and cutting-edge style. Having honed her craft at the prestigious ESMOD fashion school in Berlin and Central St. Martins College in London, Hoermanseder burst onto the fashion scene with a remarkable debut at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and Fashion Scout in London, back in 2014. Since 2015, she has been a consistent presence at DER BERLINER MODE SALON, earning a coveted spot in the exclusive VOGUE Salon showcase. The essence of Marina Hoermanseder's creations lies in avant-garde silhouettes, incorporating elements of fetishism and striking juxtapositions. Featuring tailored leather corsets, intricate fastenings, and ethereal fabrics, her designs are synonymous with sophistication and boldness. Drawing inspiration from 18th-century orthopedic corsetry, she masterfully weaves together elegance and eccentricity in her collections. Each piece reflects meticulous craftsmanship and a deep appreciation for intricate design details, showcasing a harmonious blend of precision and creativity.
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