Nana de Bary, a well-known international artist and designer, has created a trio of fragrances that have become a beloved cult favorite. The fragrances, "Classic Pink," "Green," and "Bronze," were initially introduced in the early 90s in Vienna, where Nana had a store offering her own fashion designs and cosmetics. After surviving the devastating tsunami in Thailand in 2004, Nana decided to close her store and focus on her passion for art photography. However, the production of her fragrances continued through the small perfume brand Nanadebary, now represented by Project 21 under the L'Oréal cosmetics group. While the compositions and high-quality, natural ingredients of the fragrances remained the same, they were re-introduced with an increased concentration from EdT to EdP. The trio of fragrances from Nana de Bary continues to captivate fragrance enthusiasts with their unique and timeless appeal.
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