The mastermind behind the prestigious brand "Roccobarocco" is the renowned Italian designer Rocco Muscariello, born in Naples in 1944. Growing up in Ischia, he developed a passion for fashion during his formative years. Muscariello honed his skills working in a boutique and later enrolled at the "Academy of Fine Arts" in Rome in 1962. Establishing his eponymous label in 1964, Rocco focused on crafting exclusive, luxurious haute couture collections with a distinctly feminine aesthetic. Expanding his brand's horizons, in 1974, "Roccobarocco" opened a flagship studio in Rome, eventually introducing a ready-to-wear line in 1979. Rocco Barocco's designs are characterized by a mix of black, white, and unique patterns. The brand's discerning clientele appreciates the exquisite style and distinctive details of the feminine creations, often described as "high-fashion attire for influential individuals worldwide". Celebrated with numerous accolades, Rocco Barocco is revered as a trailblazing force in the global fashion scene. Among his most coveted offerings are his range of accessories including purses, fragrances, handbags, bed linens, and watches.
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