Roger & Gallet

Roger & Gallet

Founded in 1695 by druggist Giovanni Paolo Feminis, Roger & Gallet, a renowned French fragrance house, has a rich history rooted in iconic perfumes. Feminis claimed the formulas were originally crafted by monks in the Orient, while others attributed them to a monastery in Florence. Upon relocating to Cologne in 1725, Feminis' fragrances gained popularity in Germany and the French court, with high nobility using them as medicinal remedies for various ailments. In 1862, the permanent perfume brand "Roger & Gallet" was established by bank director Charles Martial Gallet and merchant Charles Armand Roger, who acquired Feminis' formulas. They introduced a range of floral fragrances, with each scent incorporating natural elements like orange (Bois d'Orange), rose (Rose), and green tea, often infused with an exotic touch of the Orient. Through transitions in ownership, the brand was acquired by "Gucci" in 1999 and subsequently by "L'Oreal" in 2008. Beyond perfumes, their product line includes shower gels, body lotions, toilet sprays, and traditional scented soaps, offering a luxurious sensory experience.
